Friday, April 25, 2008

Barbara trying to get home

It seems to be easier to get into Nepal than out of it. I have been trying to get a flight home but things do not seem to be working out. I will keep everyone posted.
My anke and leg show little sign of improvement. I had hoped to be treated at home but may have to see a doctor here. As for now I just keep hobbling around this overcrowded polluted city of blackouts.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are having such trouble getting home. My thoughts have been with you. I hope you get results soon. Can anything be done from here to expediate your return? Take care and hope to see you soon. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Best of luck trying to get home. We wish you well and hope that your injury heals soon.
take care

Anonymous said...

Dear Barbara
We read and re-read your reports thinking that the more we read them the closer we get to experiencing what you feel and see. We are arm-chair travellers so we devour whatever we receve.

Really sorry about your throbbing leg. Always talking about the Mallories
Ciao, M.& E. -Grey Owl Lake-

Anonymous said...

yiuehsjiHi Barbara sorry to hear about your leg problems...wise to back off. Thinking about you and your family. Take care - and see you soon.
