Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Last Mallory Family get together

Traditions abound in the Mallory family. This weekend the extended Mallory family plus friends will get together at the cottage for a winter cookout, Easter hunt, and Easter dinner. It will be the last time we will all be together before we leave for Nepal. Even the adults take part in the Easter hunt since we are all kids at heart.
The list of little things to be done is not getting any smaller because everytime we eliminate one another magically appears. We do have almost all our gear now thanks to our friend Paul who brought a lot back from the U.S. for us.
Sunday is the final packing for Barbara and the pre-pack for everyone else. The situation in Nepal and Tibet is still a bit of a mystery. We are unsure what we will find when we arrive but we do know it will be a great adventure.

1 comment:

Mallory Family said...

Well, as my daughter Laura commented, this situation in Nepal is just yet another one of those obstacles that seem to get put there for the Mallory family to overcome. Think of "Raid the North"... You didn't really expect to get off easy this time, did you? ;o)

Susanne Hemet